Our Vision

Building a regenerative and just world.


So how exactly do we organize and mobilize ourselves in order to create the systems transformation we so desperately need?

At a foundational level we need to begin by understanding the forces that got us here.  We recognize that the design of our current political economy is no accident, and that moving beyond harmful systems rooted in capitalism, colonialism, militarism, white supremacy, and hetero-patriarchy will require even more intentionality, care, courage, and creativity to build. We are being called to build and share power that allows us to nurture thriving and regenerative communities rooted in shared values that center equity, and the well-being of people and place.

Work That We Are Inspired By & Invested In

  • Land Back & Solidarity With Indigenous Communities

  • Ecological Restoration & Recentering Traditional Ecological Knowledge

  • Resilient & Regenerative Local Food Systems 

  • Affordable Housing, Co-ops & Land Trust Development 

  • (bio)Regional Collaboration

  • Basic Needs, Thriving of People and Place

  • Regenerative Economics 

  • Storytelling & Creative Media to Uplift Narratives of Hope & Collective Liberation

  • Intergenerational & Intercultural Solidarity  

  • Municipal Collaboration  

  • Community-led Design & Development 

So How Do We Do It?

We need to nurture solidarity economy ecosystems, cultivate cultures of care and creativity, and we need to be strategic, intentional, and well aware of of our unique contexts AND unifying fields of potentiality as we shift into more regenerative ways of being and doing. This work is deep and requires a meaningful commitment to the layers of work required to bring about a true paradigm shift. Beginning within ourselves and rippling out to our families, neighborhoods, communities, and regions, we can and we must reclaim our power and our interdependence.

Drawing inspiration and guidance from the just transition strategy framework created by Movement Generation , the resist and build framework guiding groups like the US Solidarity Economy Network, and the New Economy Coalition, we are committed to working in right relationship and in meaningful collaboration within the greater movement ecosystem.